Unusual design.
Directory of craziest stuff we could find

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A lot of websites have a great design. And not that much can be considered as unusual. What do we mean by this? Creative, unique, memorable. Not because of their top-notch UI, but kitsch, weird, and crazy. Something you think about, “oh, gosh, what a…”.

How it all started

After launching Buy a Pixel, the team started to think on the next fun thing. That came to “Let's showcase the worst designs ever made”. But we didn't want to go offensive. Brainstorm began.

Kris, our head of ideas, came up with a solution—a collection of unique, one of a kind, creative websites that don't fit the “normal”. The first one was Ling's Cars. You can call this website whatever you want, but it can't be defined as “bad design”. Is it mad? Yes. Bad? No.

We got the idea, and started building. Konstantin with a “K” made the design, Constantin with a “C” deployed.

Now it's up to you to help us in filling the directory with the most unusual websites.

The team behind